冯斌,博士,教授,博士生导师,四川省人才工程项目人选,金沙js1005线路引进拔尖人才,美国布朗大学博士后,布朗大学Dr. George A. Bray研究学者奖获得者,任四川省科技青年联合会常务理事、四川省生物信息学学会理事、Frontiers in Nutrition杂志客座编辑等。从事动物分子营养研究及教学工作,主持国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目、国家自然科学基金、霍英东青年教师基金、四川省农业成果转化资金等项目。研究成果发表在国际著名期刊《Cell》、《Diabetes》、《Redox Biology》、《Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology》、《EBioMedicine》等杂志。主研获四川省科技进步一等奖和农业农村部神农中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖。
1. Huang X., He Q.,Zhu H.,Fang Z.,Che L.,Lin Y.,Xu S.,Zhuo Y.,Hua L.Wang J.,Zou Y.,Huang C.,Li L.,Xu.,Wu D.,Feng B. Hepatic leptin signaling improves hyperglycemia by stimulating MAPK phosphatase-3 protein degradation via STAT3. Cell Mol Gastroenter, 2022, 14(5):983-1001
2. Zhao L.,Lu W.,Mao Z.,Mou D.,Huang L.,Yang M.,Ding D.,Yan H.,Fang Z.,Che L.,Zhuo Y.,Jiang X.,Xu S.,Lin Y.,Li J.,Huang C., Zou Y.,Li L. Wu,Feng B. Maternal VD3 supplementation during gestation improves intestinal health and microbial composition of weaning piglets. Food Funct, 2022, 13(12):6830-6842
3. Wu A.,Feng B.(共同第一),Yu J.Yan L.,Che L.,Zhuo Y.,Luo Y.,Yu B.,Wu D.,Chen D. Fibroblast growth factor 21 attenuates iron overload-induced liver injury and fibrosis by inhibiting ferroptosis. Redox Biol, 2021, 46:102131
4. Mou D.,Ding D.,Yang M.,Jiang X.,Zhao L., Che L.,Fang Z.,Xu S.,Lin Y.,Zhuo Y., Li J.,Huang C., Zou Y.,Li L.,Wu,Feng B. Maternal organic selenium supplementation during gestation improves the antioxidant capacity and reduces the inflammation level in the intestine of offspring through the NF-kappaB and ERK/Beclin-1 pathways. Food Funct, 2021, 12(1):315-327
5. Mou D.,Ding D.,Li S.,Yan H.,Qin B.,Li Z.,Zhao L.,Che L.,Fang Z.,Xu S.,Lin Y.,Zhuo Y.,Li J.,Huang C.,Zou Y. Li L., Briens M.,Wu,Feng B.Effect of maternal organic selenium supplementation during pregnancy on sow reproductive performance and long-term effect on their progeny. J Anim Sci, 2020, 98(12):skaa366
6. Zhuo Y.,Hua L., Feng B.(共同第一) Jiang X., Li J., Jiang D., Huang X., Zhu Y., Li Z., Yan L., Jin C., Che L., Fang Z., Lin Y., Xu S., Li J., Wu D. Fibroblast growth factor 21 coordinates adiponectin to mediate the beneficial effects of low-protein diet on primordial follicle reserve. EBioMedicine, 2019, 41:623-635
7. Huang X., Jiang D., Zhu Y., Fang Z., Che L., Lin Y., Xu S., Li J., Huang C., Zou Y., Li L., Wu D., Feng B. Chronic High Dose Zinc Supplementation Induces Visceral Adipose Tissue Hypertrophy without Altering Body Weight in Mice. Nutrients, 2017, 9(10):1138
8. Feng, B.,Huang,X.,Jiang, D.,Hua, L.,Zhuo,Y.,Wu, D.Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Inducer Tunicamycin Alters Hepatic Energy Homeostasis in Mice.Int.J. Mol. Sci., 2017, 18:1710
9. Hofmann, J.,Zhao, X. Cecco,M. Peterson, A.,Manivannan,J.,Ikeno, Y.,Zhang, Y.,Feng, B., Qi, W.,Remmen, H.,Miller, R.,Cabo, R.,Xu, H.,Neretti, N. and Sedivy, J.Reduced expression of the proto-oncogene Myc increases mouse longevity and enhances healthspan. Cell, 2015, 160(3):477-88
10. Feng B., Jiao P.,Helou Y.,Li Y., He Q.,Walters MS.,Salomon A., Xu H. MAP Kinase Phosphatase 3 (MKP-3) Deficient Mice Are Resistant to Diet Induced-Obesity. Diabetes, 2014, 63:2924-2934
电子信箱:fengb123d@163.com, fengbin@sicau.edu.cn